Employee Spotlight - Rob

So you can get to know all of our incredible team here at Centreline. We're doing a series of employee spotlights, this week it’s the turn of Rob, who’s been with us for 3 years. Rob joined the team over 3 years ago as a graduate junior designer, and now works as product designer in the Nottingham studio.

What is your job role? In a nutshell what do you do?

I’m a product designer taking client briefs from an initial idea into tangible, manufacturable products.

What challenges you on a day to day basis?

I find balancing design and manufacture to be the main challenge day to day. Once cost and production processes have been filtered into the development, it’s easy to compromise on the core design values originally established in the concept phase. Finding engineering solutions that compliment rather than detract from this are time consuming and challenging, but also very rewarding.

What’s the most useless/ interesting talent you have?

There’s no limit to the quantity of white bread I can consume in a single day.

Something new you’ve learned in the past month?

It’s not coming home.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

I go for a lot of walks to stay active on an evening, along with playing video games far too regularly.